Job Opportunities

Engineering Director - City of Hartselle, AL

The City of Hartselleis accepting applications for a Civil Engineer to be the EngineeringDirector.  Salary will be based on experience.  Please go to theCity's website at toobtain an application.  


This position isresponsible for the City's engineering functions, for providing engineeringsupport for a variety of projects, to maintain the integrity of the buildinginspection division, and to manage the day-to-day operations of the engineeringand building divisions of the City.  The Engineering Director works handin hand with the Director of Development and the Public Works Director.

*Must have experiencewith the competitive bidding process and contract administration and oversight,particularly public works contracts.

*Must have experiencedealing with the Alabama Department of Transportation.

*Must have experiencewith grants and grant administration.

*Must have experiencewith subdivision development infrastructure.

*Bachelor's Degree inCivil Engineering  

*Prefer possession ofan Alabama Professional Engineering License

*Five years' or moreexperience in civil engineering and building project management along with twoor more years administrative/supervisory experience.

*Proficient withcomputers, common software and field specific software

*A valid AlabamaDriver's License

*Ability to attendmeetings after hours and out of town meetings/seminars

*Residency within tenmiles of the city limits of Hartselle.

