
Alabama City/County Management Association

Strategic Plan 2017

Mission Statement

The Alabama City/County Management Association (ACCMA) exists to advance professional management in Alabama’s city and county governments and support the professional development of its members and other local government officials.


The ACCMA believes in:

  • Professionalism
  • Ethics
  • Integrity
  • Education
  • Camaraderie


Membership, Administration & Financial Management

  • Continue to increase conference sponsorship opportunities to generate revenue and maintain low conference registration rates.
  • Adopt an annual budget for operations and budgets for the annual winter and summer conferences.
  • Develop ACCMA members to assume leadership positions in ACCMA by encouraging membership on committees.
  • Welcome new city/county managers in Alabama and encourage ACCMA membership to strengthen the association statewide seeking members from all areas of the State.
  • Identify city/county managers who are not current ACCMA members and encourage membership across the State to establish a stronger geographic representation of local governments.
  • Identify elected officials in local governments across Alabama and encourage ACCMA membership to establish a stronger geographic representation statewide.
  • Maintain status as ICMA State Chapter affiliate.
  • Encourage ACCMA President or other designated officer to attend ICMA regional and national conferences and participate in regional information sharing and committee opportunities offered by ICMA to represent ACCMA interests.
  • Technology:
    • Update website to provide up to date information and resources. 
    • Provide on-line forms for membership renewal and conference registration.  Include capability to accept credit card payments.
    • Utilize social media as appropriate to further communication with membership.
  • Legislative involvement:
    • Updates from ACCA and League of Municipalities at winter and summer conferences.
    • Coordinate city and county lobbying efforts on topics of mutual interest to create a stronger voice of local governments representing municipalities and counties across the State.

Provide Professional Development Opportunities.

  • Conduct annual winter and summer conferences offering quality educational sessions.
  • Continue to participate in the ICMA Coaching program as an ICMA State Association Coaching Program Partner.
  • Continue to offer the Local Government Professional Management Certification Program in association with the Government & Economic Development Institute at Auburn University.
  • Provide financial assistance to encourage eligible ACCMA membership to join ICMA. 
  • Update ICMA Membership Assistance Program to reflect recent ICMA membership cost changes below. 
  • Provide financial assistance of 50% of first year fee for full member and 100% of fee for students, interns/fellows, entry-level to mid-level professionals, department directors and full-time academics.
    • Chief administrative officers, assistant/deputy CAOs, and other senior-level staff: annual salary × 0.008, up to $1,400.
    • Entry-level to mid-management staff : $150 the first year, $175 the second year, and $200 for years three and beyond.
    • Department heads : $200.
    • Full-time interns or fellows: $25.
    • Full-time students: $25 (or join for free through a participating student chapter).
    • Full-time college or university professors: $165.
  • Encourage eligible ACCMA ICMA membership to obtain and maintain ICMA Credentialed Manager status.
  • Encourage minority participation in all programs and professional development opportunities.

Provide Student, Young/Entry Level Professional Development Opportunities

  • Provide educational scholarships at the ACCMA summer conference for Public Administration students enrolled in a Master’s level program in Alabama in the amount of $1,500 and $3,000.
  • Provide scholarship opportunities for students to attend ACCMA annual conferences to cover travel, lodging and conference registration expenses.
  • Promote student attendance at ACCMA annual conferences by offering a $50 student conference rate.
  • Continue mentorship program for students and young professionals.
  • Continue internship program for MPA students.
  • Develop a scholarship program for young /entry level professionals to attend the Local Government Professional Management Certification Program and ICMA programs including the annual ICMA national conference, ICMA regional conference, Emerging Leaders Development Program and Leadership ICMA.
  • Provide financial assistance to encourage students and young/entry level professionals to join ICMA. Update ICMA Membership Assistance Program to include 100% first year fee scholarship for student and young/entry level professional membership costs.
  • Encourage minority participation in all programs and professional development opportunities.

Encourage State MPA Program Involvement with ACCMA.

  • Develop and maintain relationships with State universities offering MPA degree programs including UAB, Alabama, Auburn, AUM, Jacksonville State, South Alabama, Troy and other State and private institutions.
  • Promote attendance of MPA professors at annual conferences by waiving the conference registration fee.
  • Provide annual grant funds to assist ICMA student chapters.