Job Opportunities

City Manager - City of Talladega

JobTitle:                   City Manager

Department:             City Management, Administration

FLSA:                        Exempt                                              Grade:

                                                                                               Safety SensitiveJob:           No

                                                                                               Security Sensitive Job:        Yes


JobDescriptionPrepared:             June 2017


Note:  Statements included in this description are intended to reflect in general theduties and responsibilities of this job and are not to be interpreted as beingall-inclusive.  The employee may be assigned other duties that are not specificallyincluded.




Reportsto:                            Council President

SubordinateStaff:               Administrative Assistant; Department Heads

Other InternalContacts:     All City Departments; All City Employees

ExternalContacts:              General Public; Civil Service Board; Elected and Appointed Officials from OtherCities and Counties; Banks and Financial Institutions; Civic and CommunityGroups; Public Credentialing and Professional Organizations; HealthcareOrganizations; Law Enforcement Agencies; Media Sources; Attorneys; the StateAttorney General’s Office; Alabama League of Municipalities (ALM); AlabamaDepartment of Revenue (DOR); Emergency Management Agencies (EMA); Vendors andBusinesses; Consultants; Schools; Local Colleges; Insurance Companies; BondCompanies; Land Developers and Realtors; Community and Economic Developers;Courts and Court Officials

Job Summary


Under the administrative direction of the CityCouncil President, the City Manager manages and supervises the administrativeareas of City government and provides day to day direction and management toall City departments.  The position requires initiative and ability tomake independent judgments.  The employee must be able to delegate avariety of duties to a variety of different entities on a daily basis. The position requires knowledge of complex areas and must be able to draw upon externalareas of expertise such as consultants with expertise in varying areas,attorneys in specialized fields (e.g., bond attorneys and managementrelations), various agencies (e.g., Alabama League of Municipalities), collegesand universities, external auditors and investment bankers.  The workinvolves planning, developing, and carrying out vital administrative processesand programs which are essential to the operations of the City and affect largenumbers of people on a long-term or continuing basis.  This job requiresknowledge and skill in planning, organizing, determining impact andconsequences, and in obtaining consensus and support.  Latitude in makingdecisions and in methods of approach and implementation are afforded thisemployee.  The job requires obtaining support of the public andmaintaining positive public relations.  Management of the City functionsin accord with legal requirements, solid financial practices, as well as withpriorities established by the City Council are essential.  The jobclassification is identified as security-sensitive and subject to apre-employment background check.

Essential Functions

ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS:  The followinglist was developed through a job analysis; however, it is not exhaustive andother duties may be required and assigned.  A person with a disabilitywhich is covered by the ADA must be able to perform the essential functions ofthe job unaided or with the assistance of a reasonable accommodation.

ESSENTIAL FUNCTION:  Management of theCity.  Performs managerial duties to include overseeing all Cityoperations, acting as a point of contact for the City, planning andcoordinating events, and acting as an advisor to ensure the efficient andeffective operation of the City.

1.   Servesin the capacity of City Manager.

2.   Managesand provides oversite of the City’s operations.

3.   Providesresponsible leadership and directions; makes decisions.

4.   Coordinatesand maintains communication with the City Council and the Mayor.

5.   Preparesfor and attends City Council meetings.

6.   Developsand presents reports and documents for the City Council’s consideration.

7.   Accuratelyrepresents priorities, programs, initiatives, and fiscal matters, approved bythe Council to employees and the citizenry.

8.   Maintainsopen lines of communication with the Council, and department heads.

9.   Meetswith the media, civic organizations, schools, and organizations; discussesneeds and initiatives.

10.Worksactively to achieve consensus among stakeholders.

11.Plans,coordinates, collaborates to accomplish initiatives, special projects, andevents for the City.

12.Workswith community and economic developers; businesses and industries to bothlocate in the City and continue to operate within the City.

13.Researchesimportant issues; considers and weighs impacts on the City.

14.Addressesemerging issues and problems presented to the City; works with appropriateindividuals, departments, and organizations to prevent, mitigate, and resolveissues.  Anticipates and prevents occurrence of problems when possible.

15.Advisesthe City Council on the status of various issues impacting the City; recommendsappropriate courses of action.

16.Develops,plans, and implements policies, procedures, and processes.

17.Ensuresprocesses are consistent with best and standard practices for municipalmanagement.

18.Ensuresappropriate supports and protections are in place for the City and properties,including insurance, leases, and safety measures, and adherence to codes andordinances.

19.Maintainson-going efforts to ensure that City infrastructure is safe and up-to-date,meeting requirements and standards.

20.Drivesand walks throughout the City to attend events, meetings, and programs.

21.Earnsand maintains professional credentials and certifications.

ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: FiscalResponsibilities.  Oversees financial matters of the City to developbudgets, establish processes, ensure accuracy and compliance with federal andstate laws.

1.   Servesas the chief financial officer for the City.

2.   Ensuresall financial matters adhere to all federal and state requirements formunicipalities.

3.   Coordinatesactions with the Finance and Purchasing Departments as appropriate.

4.   Maintainscommunications and information.

5.   Communicatesand engages with banks, financial institutions and bond companies.

6.   Establishesprocesses for annual budget planning and hearings.

7.   Workswith the department heads to plan and develop departmental budgets.

8.   Submitsannual budgets to the City Council for consideration and approval.

9.   Submitsfinancial data/status to the City Council on a monthly basis.

10.Ensuresoperations and expenditures are made within approved budgets.


12.Facilitatesand provides support to departments applying for grants and funding.

13.Ensuresapplications are complete, accurate, and represent the Cityappropriately. 

14.Overseesthe management of all grants received.

15.Considersand approves all contracts made with the City.

16.Considersnecessary purchases made as exceptions to the approved budget.

17.Ensurescurrency and accuracy of financial data being utilized and maintained.

18.Ensuresrecords, documents, and reports are established and maintained, and thatdesignated information is presented to the state as required.

19.Ensuresprocesses and mechanisms are in place and that accounts receivable and payablefunctions occur in a timely manner.

ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Oversight andSupervision.  Oversees the supervision and compliance of City Departments.

1.   Servesin the capacity of “appointing authority” for the City.

2.   Coordinatesand provides oversight among the Civil Service Board and the Human ResourceDepartment functions.

3.   Communicatesall expectations, goals, and requirements in a clear and direct manner;discusses with each department head.

4.   Receives,considers, and acts on complaints and problems presented by departmentdirectors and employee.

5.   Participatesin problem resolutions and grievance processes.

6.   Considersand ensures appropriate resources and staffing for City services.

7.   Receivesand considers requests for hiring, requests for new jobs, and for suspensionsand terminations with cause.

8.   Coordinateswith department directors and the Human Resource department.

9.   Considersrequests for leave.

10.Ensuresfunding availability prior to the posting of each job vacancy.

11.Supervisesthe performance of each department head.

12.Holdssubordinate employees accountable for accomplishment of established goals andprogress being made toward those goals.

13.Ensurescompliance with City requirements, policies, and procedures.

14.Ensuresappropriate credentialing and requirements of department directors.

15.Participatesin interviewing, hiring, and training of new department directors andemployees.

16.Plansfor regular meetings and communications with department directors.

17.Conductsannual performance appraisals on assigned employees.

18.Implementsperformance plans, as necessary.

19.Performsdisciplinary actions in accordance with City policies and proceduresspecifically, issuing corrections, conducting performance counseling, issuingverbal and written reprimands, sending employees home on paid time fordisciplinary infractions, and suspending or terminating individuals asappropriate.

ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Strategic Management ofSituations with Legal Implications.  Researches and implements policies,practices, and solutions to minimize liabilities.

1.   Implementsprocesses, practices, policies, and procedures that are consistent with legalrequirements.

2.   Consultswith the City Attorney regarding legal consequences of actions being taken, orproposed.

3.   Researchesoptions associated with legal implications for the City.

4.   Makesdecisions designed to protect the City and resources.

5.   Ensuresvulnerabilities and liabilities are identified and actions are taken tominimize impact on the City.

6.   Conductsdaily operations from a risk management perspective.

7.   Informsand trains department directors on this perspective. 

8.   Holdsdepartment directors and employees accountable to minimize exposure tounnecessary risk, recognizing extenuating circumstances associated with publicsafety; fire and police.

ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Public RelationsManagement.  Acts as representative and source of contact for the City inorder to provide and disseminate information, plan presentations andinitiatives, and address the media.

1.   Consistentlyrepresents the City in a professional and positive manner.

2.   Servesas an official representative and spokesperson for the City.  Identifiedas Public Information Officer for the City.

3.   Plans,develops, and implements initiatives to improve the City’s image.

4.   Workswith department directors and employees to release pertinent information to thepublic.

5.   Writespress “copy” for distribution to media outlets.

6.   Workswith employees to prepare media packets as needed.

7.   Plansand makes presentations.

8.   Participatesin special events and recognitions.

9.   Addressesthe media.

10.Welcomesdignitaries, visitors, businesses and industries to the City.

11.Participatesin ribbon-cuttings, and other ceremonial events.

12.Providesmechanisms to inform the public of events and things of importance to thecitizenry.

13.Ensuresthe accuracy of statements and information released to the media and public.

14.Ensuresthe City-owned and generated social media, website, and other communicationdevices and systems are up-to-date, accurate, and portray the City in apositive and professional manner.

15.Performsother related duties as necessary or required.

Knowledge, Skills andAbilities

(* Can be acquired onthe job)

1.           *Knowledgeof City rules, regulations, policies and procedures.

2.           *Knowledgeof the locations of City properties and important locations.

3.           Knowledgeof functions and organizational structure associated with the different formsof municipal governments.

4.           Knowledgeof federal and state laws associated with and impacting municipalities.

5.           Knowledgeof the functions and responsibilities of the job of city managers.

6.           Knowledgeof general procedures, rules and regulations of the office, including thoserelated ones as defined in the Code of Alabama.

7.           Knowledgeof public administration and management theory and application.

8.           Knowledgeof the requirements and practices associated with public finance and budgeting.

9.           Readingskills to comprehend legal documents, manuals, laws, licenses, reports,ordinances, directives, procedures and instructions.

10.        Verbalskills to communicate effectively with broad and diverse individuals includingthe general public, the mayor and city council, other elected and appointedofficials, media services and outlets, and department directors/reports.

11.        Writingskills to compose letters and documents, policy statements, and clearly andneatly complete reports, forms, and records using correct English, grammar, andpunctuation.

12.        Mathskills to accurately perform calculations necessary work with City budgets,make projections, and reconciliations.

13.        Skillsto appropriately use office electronic equipment such as multi-line phones, faxmachines and copiers.

14.        Skillsto use computers and specialized software, including spreadsheets.

15.        Skillsto consider multiple sources, options, opportunities and implications regardingimpacts on the City prior to making decisions.

16.        Abilityto establish priorities and action plans for self and others.

17.        Abilityto develop and function within budgets.

18.        Abilityto provide leadership to minimize risks and liabilities.

19.        Abilityto use computers and other methods to conduct research.

20.        Abilityto apply for grants and other funding; ability to manage grants.

21.        Abilityto provide guidance, coaching, counseling, and other methods to support thedevelopment of subordinate employees.

22.        Abilityto hold self and others accountable.

23.        Abilityto maintain confidential information.

24.        Abilityto consistently represent the City in a positive, professional manner.

25.        Abilityto effectively supervise subordinate employees.

26.        Abilityto establish and work according to priorities; ability to perform workaccurately, with attention to detail, and within time constraints.

27.        Abilityto plan, organize, coordinate and carry out work, engaging the work of othersin a productive and effective manner.

28.        Abilityto solve problems and effectively address issues.

29.        Abilityto coordinate and collaborate work with others to accomplish established goalsand projects.

30.        Abilityto drive.

Minimum Qualifications


1.           Possess a master’s degree from an accredited college or university in public administration or business administration.

2.           Five(5) years of professional and progressive work experience in a municipal government.

3.           Two(2) years of management experience and supervisory experience within a municipality or county government.

4.           Current certification as a City Manager, with a professional organization; maintenance of the certification for the duration of employment.  Attainment of this certification within six (6) years from hire date is required if certification is not current upon employment.

5.           Documented professional work experience with public finance and budgeting.

6.           Possess a current and valid driver’s license; and be insurable.

7.           Maintains call availability 24/7 for emergencies.

8.           Ability to travel overnight, to attend meetings, conferences, and training programs.

9.           Ability to pass a pre-employment background check.

Allapplicants interested in applying can apply by contacting our Human ResourcesDept., Tanna Falkner at tfalkner@talladega.comor call at 256-362-8186 ext. 1018.  Applications can be found at ourwebsite at>Government>Departments>Human Resources.

